Where things are at: an update

Hi everyone,

Sorry this isn’t a new review, but I just thought I would give you a progress update on the work I’ve been doing on my various projects for the site.

SCTV: I have all 26 episodes and the US-exclusive sketches from the first season screencapped; I just need to get back to writing the actual sketch reviews and getting them ready to post. I plan on getting the posts all written before I schedule them, so if you see one, you’re going to see the rest of the season soon. In the meantime, I’ve migrated my screencap galleries for these episodes and updated the links accordingly.

SNL: I’ve taken basic notes for the first 13 episodes of 1986-87 and hope to get the note-taking finished for that season by the end of the month, and the notes for 1987-88 finished by the end of May. I also have to do screencaps, compare live and repeat versions, and see if I can get any additional background information, not to mention the actual writing of the posts. My plan is to wait until I have enough done on the reviews to be able to schedule a new post per week without always rushing to get the post up before my self-imposed deadline.

I also plan to upgrade screencaps for some of the reviews. I wrote the 1981-82 reviews over 10 years ago; my earliest caps are all at 640 x 480 resolution. Since that time I’ve acquired better quality copies of some of the episodes I’ve reviewed, more complete versions of others, and my newer reviews have caps at 704 x 528 or 720 x 540. As well, I’m moving my caps off Photobucket, so I’m using the opportunity to fill in gaps in my reviews, note any changes to the reruns that I didn’t know about before, and redo caps if I feel it’s warranted. This is going to be stuff I’ll be doing in the background so I won’t necessarily promote the updated reviews or updated gallery links, but keep your eyes open as I work on the other parts of the site.

On that note, I finally found the lost sketches from the Robert Blake show, and have updated my review to include the missing segments.

While you’re waiting for new posts, I highly recommend that you check out Stooge’s One SNL a Day Project for a journey through the first 42 seasons, and four shows of season 43. While he recently decided for a number of reasons not to continue past that point, getting to that point is quite a feat; I have trouble posting every week, so I can’t imagine having the discipline to complete a review almost every day for nearly three years.

As for my own future review plans, I’ll probably continue through the rest of SCTV, but I’m probably not going to review SNL past a certain point (either 1989-90 or 1990-91), and while I probably should give the post-2005 seasons another watch, I don’t really feel like going to the trouble of writing reviews for those shows. I may do a post about my thoughts on the most recent seasons, but what could I say about them that hasn’t already been said?
