The Worst SNL Sketches of All-Time: Part 3 - The All-Time Worst

Throughout voting, one particular sketch received the most nominations for "worst Saturday Night Live sketch of all time", and by a significant margin.While these polls are subjective with a high representation of those who know their history, I think it's safe to say that we've found the absolute worst thing the show's put on the air.

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Classic SNL Review: November 22, 1980: Malcolm McDowell / Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band (S06E02)

Classic SNL Review: November 22, 1980: Malcolm McDowell / Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band (S06E02)

Sketches include "Execution", "Mutually Omaha's Wild Kingdom", "Tobacco Grower's Association", "Serf City", "Adopted Amy Carter", "American Milk Association", "Showdown", "Gothic Romance Novel Shop", "The 100 Years War", "Leather Weather Report", "Commie Hunting Season", "The Rocket Report", "Jack The Stripper", "Someone Is Hiding In My Apartment" and "The Wine Cellar",Captain Beefheart & The Magic Band perform "Hot Head" and "Ashtray Heart".

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