I may as well answer my own survey...
/I want to thank the people who filled out the survey in last week’s post; someone suggested I give my own answers to the questions I posed, so I figured that’s a way to meet my post-a-week quota. (By the way, if you still haven’t answered the survey, feel free to go ahead. It’s anonymous, goes straight to my e-mail inbox, and won’t be shared with anyone.)
How are you feeling? Physically, under the weather. I stayed home from work today to recover from gastroenteritis and mostly just slept it off. Emotionally, I’m doing alright. Mostly just too tired to really feel anything else.
What's on your mind right now? I really need to get my place cleaned up again, at least to the point where I would feel alright having company over. I also wonder if I will have the energy needed for a relationship; right now it just seems like too much work and I’m not in a place where I feel like being that vulnerable. A fling would be fun but I feel weird about approaching others or being approached for one, and there’s always a risk of the feels creeping in.
Have you ever drastically changed your appearance? If yes, how so? Yes, I shaved my head a few times when I was a teenager before adopting the look semi-permanently since my early 20s. More recently I shaved off half my eyebrows.
What have you always wanted to do with your look but never done? Tattoos and piercings. I also am interested in getting a little more androgynous with my look, though in a low-key and muted way.
How have you changed in the past five years? I have a bit more stability in my career, and I went through a pretty bad depression in the middle of that period that I’m still taking medication for. I’m out to my parents and I’m starting to feel more secure in exploring who I am and what I want instead of trying to reshape myself into what I feel others want of me.
What's a blog you really enjoy reading? http://www.daisyeagan.com/blog, http://www.elanmorgan.com, http://onesnladay.com
This has nothing to do with anything, i just didn't feel like putting a picture of my face up again