If anyone needs me, you know where to find me
/I was originally going to post an update next week, but it looks like I’m going to be stuck in the apartment for the most part until further notice. I was getting pretty overwhelmed by my Facebook and Twitter feeds, especially since the algorithms have been prioritizing content related to the pandemic, so for the time being I’m limiting my time on them (I deleted both from my phone) and am going to post on here every few days just so people don’t worry about me.
I’m lucky in that my job allows me to work from home, which gives me a little structure to my day and also takes care of the income question. So many other people don’t have that luxury or are now facing some stressful financial times because of COVID-19, and it really makes me think about how I would have fared if the coronavirus hit when I was temping or working in a call centre. I’m also lucky in that social distancing and self-isolation isn’t too much of a stretch from my regular lifestyle. I also have a few projects I can work on in my free time; since I won’t be spending a full hour of my day on the bus, I have a little more time to devote to them.
This time last week, I was worried about what I was going to do for my birthday at the beginning of April; looks like that problem’s been taken care of. I don’t really need anyone to sing “Happy Birthday” to me (does anyone actually like that song?), but I had been thinking it was time to see a few people I hadn’t in a while, and I guess I have to wait a little longer now. Oh well. For now, though, I’ve got enough company in the form of Autumn, and I’m sure she’s appreciating the extra time I’ll be around to give her treats and cuddles.
Autumn, my “Acting supervisor” while I'm at home
This blog’s going to be my main method of reaching out for the time being, but I’ll probably also keep Instagram on my phone. If you want to connect with me one-on-one, I still have Facebook Messenger on my phone, and I always appreciate when people send me e-mail; if you know me particularly well, feel free to chat over the phone (let me know if you need my number privately).
I’m going to end all these dispatches by asking two questions: how are you feeling right now, and what have you been doing the last few days?
Take care of yourselves.