Our stories help us feel less alone

Our stories help us feel less alone

The internet (rightfully) gets a lot of flak for a lot of things, but one thing I still love about it is that I have found so many other people whose stories and experiences I can relate to. This is the main thing that continues to attract me to blogging: I love having the opportunity to show little bits of myself and my world, and I love the feeling that comes when I read something that resonates with me on a personal level.

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Still processing, still grieving

In the wake of the Orlando shooting, I'm reminded just how thankful I am for the lifeline that is the Internet and social media; seeing my friends express their personal feelings over the matter rather than reverting to some ready-made impersonal #prayfororlando. I'm grateful for the rage of the activist communities fighting back against attempts to downplay the queer and racial identities of those slaughtered, and denouncing those that express false solidarity and cynically use the LGBT community as a cudgel against Muslims and immigrants.

I'm still processing this tragedy. I suspect I will be for a long time.

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