Social Distancing Diaries: April 8


John Prine died yesterday. I knew he was ill with COVID-19 and that it was pretty bad, but the news was still a blow. His music always takes me back to my Mount Allison days, living in Edwards House with Jay and Scott; I remember one time we stopped in at Ducky’s after our house semi-formal (or some other event) and we ended up singing “Please Don’t Bury Me”.

Hal Willner also died of the same disease yesterday; he was the sketch music producer for Saturday Night Live and one of those names you just see on different projects involving a number of great artists (his tribute concerts are probably the best known examples of this) .

Just from reading all the posts on my Facebook feed, their presence and work touched so many people’s lives.

It’s just cruel that this disease is robbing the world of people who've given it so much, even on just a small scale (the countless families who’ve lost loved ones, for example), while President Goofus continues to let it (and try to make a buck from it), and his enablers continue to give him full license to be a monster.

It feels later in the month than it is, but it also feels like this lockdown has only just started..As far as I know it’s going to be a while before we’ll be back in the office or not limiting our time outside our homes. Maybe time’s starting to blend together, I don’t know. Aside from work on the weekdays, the days are pretty much the ever.

Whenever this blows over, there are a few things I want to do. I’ve been thinking about a tattoo or getting my nose pierced for a little while, but I never really got around to it (also, there were other things to spend money on). In the last year I’ve really started to realize how long and how much I was muting who I really was from coming through in my appearance.

Last January, back before we all had to hunker down inside our homes, I did a photo shoot with local photographer Invidia Obscura; I gave them carte blanche regarding what they did in terms of makeup, accessories and poses, and they made me look (and feel) amazing. Before lockdown I was making plans with another local photographer for a similar shoot; I hope we get to meet up soon.